Is a 160 dollar utility bill normal for a 2 bedroom house?
Missing some information here Do you live in a colder climate area? What type of heating/cooling system does the house have? How big is the house in square feet? Do you prefer the house to be extra warm in the winter and extra cool in the summer? Does your utility company offer a Budget Billing that is the average of all your bills? If you own the home start by checking a few things that can help offset higher bills with cost ($ low to $$$ high) caulk any holes or openings near windows, doorways $ weather stripping for door leaks $ replacing windows $$$ insulating attic $$ (can save money if DIY) set up a schedule on thermostat to drop the temperatures while sleeping $ turn down the system when you can by wearing an extra layer or opening the windows $ hire an energy audit company to see what can be improved $ mini-split systems that are ductless and very high efficiency over regular electrical plug in heaters $$$ A lot of times your utility company will contribute to repairs that help improve your houses efficiency. Keep in mind that if youre planning to live there for 10+ years than new windows and other higher cost upgrades will be worth the investment, but if you dont expect to be there that long look for the lower cost repairs.