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Can you fake a utility bill?

If you mean, "Can you produce a piece of paper that looks like a legitimate utility bill but that you just made at home?", I'm sure you could. Look at a real utility bill and mock up a fake one on your computer. To the best of my knowledge they don't have any serious security features to prevent counterfeiting, because why would someone want to make a fake bill?Why do you ask? If you're thinking that you're going to make a fake utility bill to fool a bank when applying for a loan, a utility bill is such a small part of the loan process I doubt that would accomplish much. If you're thinking you're going to do it to trick someone into thinking you live at this address when you really don't, I suppose your chances of getting away with it would depend who you're trying to fool and how much effort they go to to verify it. Whatever your reason, if they got suspicious and checked I'm sure the utility could quickly tell them that the bill is fake, that it's the wrong amount or that is not your real address or whatever. I guess what the consequences of being caught are would depend on who you're trying to fool and why.In general, trying to defraud banks, insurance companies, or the government is a bad idea. You can get into huge trouble.

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