is on a utility bill in Turkey, what does this mean?
Well I'm working for a utility company as a software developer and we just changed how we show pricing on the bills this month and I'm the one who did the change. You might even be one of our customers :) Kr/KWh shows how many kuru (cents) you pay for per kw you consume. So basically if it says like 20.5 as unit price, it means you pay 205 TL per MWh. The reason we changed this is actually making the invoice easily readable but I guess it didn't work as planned. Let me explain why it makes it easier to read for our case. At first it was TL/MWh on our invoices. If the written unit price is 205, it means you pay 205 TL per MW you consume. Easy right? For unit price, yes. However when it comes to consumption it differs. Let's say a household consumes 358.9 KWh we have to show the consumption as .3589 . The normal for decimals in Turkey is 2 so it has to be .35 on the invoice. Yet there is a problem. This doesn't show the consumer the true consumption and when you try to calculate the price, it will be different then what you see on the invoice. So we changed consumption to show KWh, for this example the consumption will be 358.9 KWh and the unit price 20.5 Kr/KWh. When you multiply these you will get 7357.45 Kr. To change it to TL, divide it to 100 and you will get 73.47 TL. Because of my english level I think this answer looks complicated. If you need further explanation send me a pm.