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How you can save on your utility bills?

dont pay interest on your bill , try to pay one in advance . dont let the heat out in winter, or in in summer. use common sense and cover up in bed and turn the temperature down at night, or run fans in stead of a/c in summer time. use the multiple system method of heating and cooling your house using the least expensive first until it is no longer effective then by reducing your utility bills by changing out the old systems with more efficient ones over time . least expensive first . lights bulbs to led for instance , old tube t.v.s to led t.v. ,energy star appliances , closing off rooms you do not use and lower the thermostats ,dress for warmth ,and the season. beware of the season and resourceful. ever home has advantages and can be upgraded over time , take notes of what works for you last year and did not . At the end of the day be comfortable, a happy owner, is still an owner, but dont waist your money by throughing out the window or door. look into heat pump any thing to heat and cool your home, and dry your cloths ,and convection ovens to cook with. turn off the power when not in use .

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