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How much does it cost for a family of 4 to live in different parts of?

How much does it cost for a family of 4 to live in different parts of California (rent, utilities, car, holidays, clothes, childcare, bills, socialising, and food)? Most of these items are not fixed expenses for a given location. Whether in Palo Alto, CA; Blythe, CA; or Texas; a Mercedes E class is going to run $10001500 per month depending on features and how much you drive. Again regardless of location a 20 year old Toyota Corolla is going to cost $100300 per month, depending on its condition and how much you drive. Same with food, holidays, clothes, and most utilities. Rent does vary by location but still it depends on what you choose to consume even more than location. Many families of 4 in Los Angeles live in 3 bedroom apartments that rent for ~2,000 per month. Also in Los Angeles there are families of 4 that live in bungalows near the beach that rent for $15,000 per month. Plenty more families rent something in between.

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